Health Services
We promote and support student health, well-being and academic achievement
In Mounds View Public Schools, we know that healthy students are better learners. Our Health Services teams are made up of Licensed School Nurses and Licensed Healthcare Specialists who work collaboratively with families, school staff, healthcare providers, and community partners to remove health-related barriers to learning and promote health and wellness for our students.
- Illnesses, diseases & when to stay home
- Common Health Conditions
- Immunizations
- Medication at school
- Screenings
- Sports qualifying physical exams
Illnesses, diseases & when to stay home
Is my student well enough to go to school?
If your student:
- Has a fever of 100° degrees or more, they should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever reducing medication.
- Has vomited or has had diarrhea, the student should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
- Has a rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with their health care provider before sending your student to school.
If your student is ill, please keep your student home and report the symptoms or illness using the attendance line or via ParentVue for tracking and attendance purposes. If your child has a contagious illness such as chicken pox, strep throat, pertussis, influenza, or COVID-19, please indicate that in your message or call the Health Office directly.
To help prevent the spread of illness, we follow the guidelines of St Paul Ramsey County Public Health to determine when a student may return to school.
Prevention behaviors include:
- Frequent and thorough hand washing
- Sneezing and coughing into sleeve
- Keeping hands, pencils etc. away from eyes, nose and mouth
- Staying home when sick
Health conditions
Students with asthma should have an Asthma Action Plan Medication Authorization signed by both the prescribing healthcare provider and parent/guardian and current medications at school each year.
Can my student go to school?
Can my student go to school?
Excluded from school until blisters have dried into scabs and there have been no new lesions for 24 hours, usually about 6 days after rash first appears.
Notify the health office if diagnosed.
Can my student go to school?
Exclusion is unnecessary for mild sores in children who are in control of their mouth secretions.
Can my student go to school?
Unless fever is present. Exclude from school until the student is fever free for 24 hours and is well enough to participate in normal daily activities.
***Please check COVID-specific exclusion guidelines***
Can my student go to school?
Excluded from school until all of the following are true:
Symptoms are improving and
your child has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine
Encourage increased hand washing and consider wearing a mask for the next 5 days.
Can my student go to school?
No exclusion necessary unless fever is present.
Can my student go to school?
Exclude until no fever for 24 hours and blisters have dried into scabs.
When a head injury occurs at school, the student will be observed for any signs of concussion symptoms. Parents will be notified and if any potential concussion symptoms were observed, parents will receive additional information that can be shared with the student’s health care provider.
Common Health Conditions
Students with asthma should have an Asthma Action Plan Medication Authorization signed by both the prescribing healthcare provider and parent/guardian and current medications at school each year.
When a head injury occurs at school, the student will be observed for any signs of concussion symptoms. Parents will be notified and if any potential concussion symptoms were observed, parents will receive additional information that can be shared with the student’s health care provider.
Mounds View Schools provides a safe environment for students with severe/life-threatening allergies while at school and during school sponsored activities.
Our Licensed School Nurses collaborate with families, healthcare providers, and school staff to provide a safe environment for students with seizure disorders.
For students with Type 1 diabetes, daily management is crucial to their short and long term health and wellness. The level of support each student needs depends on many factors including (their age, understanding of their condition, their buy-in and interest, and more). Our Health Services teams are dedicated to supporting each student with diabetes in our schools.
All students enrolled in Mounds View Schools are expected to comply with the Immunization Requirements of the Minnesota Statute and Rule to enroll in school or remain enrolled in school.
Licensed School Nurses and Health Care Specialists will help families meet the immunization requirements in a timely manner. Immunization information your student’s health care provider or noted by a parent/guardian using the appropriate immunization form. Immunizations can be submitted:
- Via email or fax to your school's health office.
- By dropping off a copy at your school office.
- By uploading the information to ParentVue.
Minnesota immunizations: Are your kids ready?
Medical exemptions
Parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss immunization concerns with their child’s health care provider. No student is required to receive an immunization if they have a medical contraindication, history of disease, or laboratory evidence of immunity.
A licensed health care provider must complete and sign Box 3A - Medical Exemptions of the appropriate immunization form.
Conscientious exemptions
Parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss any immunization concerns with their child’s health care provider.
If a parent/guardian has a religious or conscientious objection to immunizations, the parent/guardian must sign and have notarized Box 2B - Conscientious Exemption of the appropriate immunization form.
Medication at school
All medication must be provided to school by a parent/guardian in its original, labeled container.
For students with health conditions that require medication during the school day, medication is administered by the Health Care Specialist or other school staff under the direction and supervision of the Licensed School Nurse. Medication will be kept in a locked cabinet unless the student is authorized to carry and self-administer their own medication.Parents/guardians may contact the Licensed School Nurse and/or Health Care Specialist at the child’s school to discuss any concerns or special needs or to request assistance in obtaining required authorization.
Prescription medications
- Written authorization by a licensed prescriber and parent/guardian is required for prescription medications. These may be administered on a daily or "as needed" (prn) basis.
- Students may not self-carry or self-administer medications covered by the Federal Narcotics Act (e.g., Ritalin/Methylphenidate, Adderall, Concerta, Dexedrine, Codeine).
Prescription Medication Authorization Form
- Prescription medication needed for a short period of time (3-14 days) may be administered with written parent/guardian authorization and instructions such as a discharge or after visit summary.
- All prescription medications delivered to school must be in a current pharmacy container with the original pharmacy label. Pharmacy will supply a duplicate, labeled container for school use upon parent/guardian request.
- When appropriate, a student may self-carry and/or self-administer a prescribed medication (such as for the management of Diabetes, Asthma, Severe Allergies) with written authorization.
Over-the-counter medications (OTC)
- Over-the-counter (OTC) medication (e.g. cough/cold remedies, antihistamines, pain relievers) may be administered at school with written parent/guardian permission and instructions.
OTC Medication Parent Authorization
- Over-the-counter (OTC) medication must be supplied by the parent/guardian in the original container with an intact manufacturer label.
- There is no school supply of any over-the-counter medication.
- Senior high students (grades 9-12) may, with parent/guardian knowledge and approval, carry and self-administer OTC medication. Medication must be carried in the original container with an intact manufacturer label and the student’s name written on the container. The student may not share OTC medication with other students.
Medication changes
Medication changes will be made when written authorization from the licensed prescriber and parent/guardian is received.
Discontinued medication
Discontinued medication will be returned to parent/guardian upon request or destroyed.
End of school year
Unused medication needs to be picked up by a parent/guardian at the end of the year or will be destroyed.
Early Childhood screening
Early Childhood screening is conducted for children between the ages of 3.5 and 5 years of age and is required for entrance into kindergarten and is offered throughout the year. Parents/guardians may call 651-621-7421 to make an appointment for their child.
- Provides a free, quick and simple check of how a child is doing during an important time of rapid learning and growth. The best age for screening is between ages 3.5 and 4.
- Identifies possible learning or health concerns so that a child can get the help needed before starting school
Vision and hearing screening
Vision and hearing screening is conducted at school according to the recommendations of the Minnesota Department of Health. Initial screening is often conducted by parent volunteers trained by the Licensed School Nurse. Parents/guardians are invited to contact the school Health Office and volunteer to assist with screening.
Vision screening
Vision screening is conducted for:
- Distance vision: Early Childhood screening, Kindergarten, Grades 1, 3 and 5
- Eye muscle balance: 1st grade
- Color vision: 1st grade
- Students with IEPs at the time of initial and periodic re-evaluations
- Students may be screened at any other time at parent/guardian or teacher request
Hearing screening
Hearing screening is conducted for the following students:
- All students in kindergarten and 1st grade
- Students with a history of hearing/ear problems
- Students with IEPs at the time of initial and periodic re-evaluations
- Students may be screened at any other time at parent/guardian or teacher request
Follow-up and referral
- If students do not pass vision or hearing screening, parents/guardians are provided a referral for further medical evaluation based on criteria established by the Minnesota Department of Health
- Assistance is available if there are barriers to accessing care.
Sports qualifying physical exams
District Health Services Staff
Sarah Osterman
High School Health Services Staff
Irondale High School
Angela Fitch
Mounds View High School
Alana Schmiesing
Middle School Health Services Staff
Chippewa Middle School
Alana Schmiesing
Angela Fitch
Edgewood Middle School
Highview Middle School
Colleen Moore
Elementary School Health Services Staff
- Bel Air Elementary
- Island Lake Elementary
- Pinewood Elementary
- Sunnyside Elementary
- Turtle Lake Elementary
- Valentine Hills Elementary